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Arkocaps Guarana 瓜拉那燃脂减肥胶囊

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  • ¥122.51


    商品:Arkocaps Guarana 瓜拉那燃脂减肥胶囊

    This shrub from the Amazon, used for many years by the Indians Guaranis Uruguay and Paraguay for stimulant and tonic properties.
    Its seeds are introduced in the composition tonic beverages, the consumption of which facilitate the execution of hard work.

    The properties are based on the fact that the seeds of caffeine is high, of the order of 3 to 5%!
    Far ahead of coffee and tea, Guarana, according to what we know so far, is the plant with the highest caffeine content. This Caffeine speeds up the "burning" of fat, increases the basic metabolism of the cells and promotes the removal of accumulated fat ingredients. On the other hand stimulates the release of catecholamines, including adrenaline, which allows the body to "burn" faster these fats.

    Furthermore, the stimulant properties of special interest in combating physical and mental decline that follows very often diets. Causing a general stimulation to the body, the Guarana restores vitality and wellbeing, sharpens the mind, without affecting the normal rhythm of the heart.


       瓜拉纳(Guaraná)学名叫做Paullina Cupana,属无患子科,是巴西最知名的,且很早就有史册记载的雨林药用植物之一。Maues-Sateres土著称其为“神秘的眼睛”。这来源于瓜拉纳果实在雨林中的外观:果实从灌木的巨大红色枝条上垂下,像是一串串红色的葡萄。红色的豆壳裂开后,露出种子的白色内衣,顶端带有一点棕褐色的凸起部分。当你在雨林中行走时,就像上百万双眼睛在俯瞰。 



    Dosage: 2 capsules in the morning and 2 in the afternoon with meals.
